Pinus densiflora 'Umbraculifera'

Tanyosho Pine
Pinus densiflora 'Oculus Dragon'

Dragon Eye Japanese Red Pine
Pinus flexilis glauca 'Vanderwolf Pyramid'

Blue Limer Pine
Ascending branches form pyramidal shape which broadens with age. Soft blue-green colored needles. H 20-30’ W 10-15’
Zone 4
Ascending branches form pyramidal shape which broadens with age. Soft blue-green colored needles. H 20-30’ W 10-15’
Zone 4
Pinus flexilis 'Joe Burke'

Joe Burke Limber Pine
Pinus heldrrichii 'Compacta'

Compact Gem Bosnian Pine
Pinus mugo mugus- unsheared

Pinus mugo 'Jakobsen'

Jakobson Mugo Pine
Pinus mugo 'White Bud'

White Bud Mugo Pine
Pinus leucodermis

Bosnian Pine
Pinus nigra
Austrian Pine
Fast growing straight trunked evergreen with long dark green needles. H 60’ W 20-30’
Zone 3
Fast growing straight trunked evergreen with long dark green needles. H 60’ W 20-30’
Zone 3
Pinus nigra 'Arnold's Sentinel'
Arnold's Sentinel Austrian Pine
Large columnar form with dark green needles forming a dense habit and strong upright branching. H 25’ W 7’
Zone 4
Large columnar form with dark green needles forming a dense habit and strong upright branching. H 25’ W 7’
Zone 4
Pinus nigra 'Bambino'

Bambino Austrian Pine
Pinus nigra 'Brepo'

Brepo Dwarf Austrian Pine
Dense spherical shaped conifer with rich green needles, needs no trimming. Withstands heavy winds without needles browning. H 3’ W 4’
Zone 4
Dense spherical shaped conifer with rich green needles, needs no trimming. Withstands heavy winds without needles browning. H 3’ W 4’
Zone 4
Pinus nigra 'Hornbrookiana'

Hornbrookiana Austrian Pine
Pinus nigra 'Oregon Green'
Oregon Green Austrian Pine
Dwarf conifer with cactus like tufted dark green needles. Needs shearing to keep shape. H 15’ W 8’
Zone 4
Dwarf conifer with cactus like tufted dark green needles. Needs shearing to keep shape. H 15’ W 8’
Zone 4
Pinus parviflora 'Glauca'

Japanese White Pine
Pinus parviflora 'Negishi'

Negishi Japanese White Pine
Pinus thunbergii 'Thunderhead'

Thunderhead Black Pine
Pinus strobus 'Fastigiata'

Columnar Eastern White Pine
Pinus strobus 'Glauca Nana'

Dwarf Eastern White Pine
Pinus strobus 'Pendula'

Weeping Easter White Pine
Long blue-green needles cascade from twisting pendulous branches. H 14-18’ W 5-10’
Zone 4
Long blue-green needles cascade from twisting pendulous branches. H 14-18’ W 5-10’
Zone 4
Pinus sylvestris 'Hillside Creeper'

Hillside Creeping Scotch Pine
Prostrate form of scotch pine, bright gold color in winter. Excellent for rock gardens and water features. H 18-24” W 6’
Zone 4
Prostrate form of scotch pine, bright gold color in winter. Excellent for rock gardens and water features. H 18-24” W 6’
Zone 4
Pinus sylvestris 'Mitch's Weep'

Mitch's Weeping Scotch Pine